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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PCI MX 440
Quibble   2004-03-10 22:49

I have a PCI MX 440 64 meg however in properties it is saying it's only 32. I've tried multiple drives and checked BIOS and all seems to be ok. Any ideas??

Nou ani anquietas
ecarlson   2004-03-12 12:03
Is it working okay?

- Eric
Quibble   2004-03-19 20:17
yeah it works ok but is a bit slow because of the fact that half it's ram is "missing"

Nou ani anquietas
ecarlson   2004-03-21 13:59
How can you tell that it's running slow, and if you can tell that it's running slow, how can you tell that the cause is the RAM detection?

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PCI MX 440

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