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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors and Icons
Nick   2001-03-15 00:58
Hi there, im using a win2k system with 3 monitors and i have a slight problem with desktop icons.

Its not that they dont stay in their positions, but when new icons are added to the desktop, they default to the main monitor (center) instead of the monitor with the rest of the icons in (left).

Is there a way of defaulting the icons to my left monitor?
Nick   2001-03-15 00:59
oh yeah, i forgot to metion that im using desktop X on the main central monitor, thats why i want the desktop out of the way, but not nonexistant
Marcos   2009-03-30 11:50
Using Windows XP here. Want the same thing.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors and Icons

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