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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Viewing pages of Word document on multiple monitors
Multi-monitor evangelist   2004-03-13 04:58
I would like to have a word document continue in other monitors on my desktop. For example, if my primary monitor displays the first page of my document, I want to see the second page on my second monitor, and the third page on the third monitor, etc. This would make it convenient to cut and paste between multiple pages.

By simply stretching the Word window across 2 monitors, I can see 2 pages at once but they are not alligned to the boundaries of my monitors and I am not sure how to produce this allignment.

Any suggestions on how to do this? I am using Ultramon, Office XP (and 2003 on another machine), and Windows XP Pro.

Barton   2004-03-14 13:11
I just tried playing around with this and got it to work, sort of....

Open a multi-page document in the "Normal" view mode. Then stretch the window across multiple monitors. Then select View>Print Layout. It sould show multiple pages across multiple monitors. What I found interesting is that if you switch to any other view and then try to go back to Print Layout, you only see one page until you close the document and re-open it.

I'm using XP-Pro, SP1 and Word 2002.

Good Luck!

ecarlson   2004-03-14 13:24
Barton: That's pretty cool. I tried on 2 monitors with Windows 2000 and Office 2000, and the second page started on the second monitor. I didn't have any problems switching back and forth between Page Layout and Normal views.

My usual solution is to open up 2 copies of the document, and put one on each monitor, which works better for me since I can independently scroll each copy.

- Eric
David DeRolph   2004-03-16 06:07
Yes, I would think the easiest way would be to just open multiple Word windows, and place them on the desired monitor. In other words, launch Word once for the first Word window. The, launch it again to open another, independent Word windows.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Viewing pages of Word document on multiple monitors

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