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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitor display
John   2004-03-15 04:53
I have a 3 monitor display and it seems that when the system is idle for a few minutes and I return the 3 monitors start to refresh themselves in cycle for about 30 seconds (and thus hanging system availablity). I am using UltraMon 2.4 on Windows XP dual cpu, with two video cards; ATI Radeon 7500 and a NVIDA Quadro NVS. With this configuration could UltraMon cause this refresh delay?

Thank you.
Christian Studer   2004-03-15 06:50
Please try if you have the same problem if UltraMon isn't running, you can close UltraMon via the UltraMon icon in the system tray.

Also make sure you aren't using UltraMon as your screen saver. You can change the screen saver in Display Properties > Screen Saver.

I don't know what might cause this, but it seems unlikely that it is related to UltraMon.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitor display

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