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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> What cheap triple/quad monitor AGP cards are available?
Steve   2004-03-15 21:54

I have a recording studio and looking to upgrade to 3 x TFT analog monitors. As all my audio is going through the PCI bus I need to keep the graphics going through the AGP interface. I have seen the Matrox cards but they seem qite expensive. Are there any alternatives??

Christian Studer   2004-03-16 06:37
Colorgraphic has an AGP quad card, but it's also around $600.

The Matrox P750 is a less expensive version of the Parhelia, with 3-monitor support. Costs less than $300.

Keep in mind that the 3-monitor mode of the P750/Parhelia only supports span mode, meaning that Windows sees a single large monitor instead of 3. See my Parhelia review for more on this.

Christian Studer -
ecarlson   2004-03-17 13:12
Are you sure you can't add a PCI video card? I doubt your display of your video apps will tax the PCI bus much, since I doubt any do advanced 3D, and if any do, put them on the monitors connected to the AGP card. If you're out of slots, that's a different story.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> What cheap triple/quad monitor AGP cards are available?

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