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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual setup problem
Justin   2004-03-17 01:04
There is probably an obvious answer to this, but I can't find it. I'm trying to set up a second monitor for desktop spanning with a Geforce 440MX, VGA, S-Video and DVI out. When I connect the second monitor to the DVI port using a DVI -> VGA adapter, both screens show the same (clone), and the system insists that a TV is connected (although there is none) and resolution for the second output stops at 1024. I seem to be able to set up the spanning, but the program windows disappears into the non-existing screen...


ecarlson   2004-03-17 13:25
What OS and driver version?

- Eric
Justin   2004-03-17 19:41
56.64, downloaded and installed this week. Win XP Pro.

ecarlson   2004-03-18 10:48
I haven't had that issue. Hopefully someone here has some ideas.

- Eric
wbarber69   2004-03-20 15:11
take it apart and put it back together
ecarlson   2004-03-21 14:14
Or more specifically, uninstall the NVidia drivers until you have it up and running on Windows built-in generic VGA drivers, then reboot one more time for good luck, then reinstall the NVidia drivers from scratch. And let us know what happens.

- Eric
Justin   2004-03-22 03:28
Tried that, on the fist boot after uninstall, xp finds a vga adapter. On second boot, it installs nvidia drivers. NView still can't see DVI as output 2, both vga and DVI clones as 1...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual setup problem

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