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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi Monitor Span with CRT and Laptop Panel Display
DDS4547   2004-03-17 02:39
Is it possible to Span multi monitors and one of the monitors be a notebook display. I am not having any luck. The Multimontor software I have does not detect the notebook display. The software only detects the CRT.

ecarlson   2004-03-17 13:27
Depends on the notebook (which video card it contains) and the video drivers.

- Eric
ecarlson   2004-03-17 13:31
I was assuming you are using a laptop, and have a CRT connected to it. If you have some other configuration, please let us know what it is.

If you want to use a laptop as a display for another system, then you need MaxiVista

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi Monitor Span with CRT and Laptop Panel Display

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