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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop with intel82845G multiple monitor will clone but not split
Malcolm   2004-03-17 06:11
Im hoping someone can help me.
I have an EiSystem 4406 laptop with an intel82845g/gl/ge/pe/pv graphics controller.
(thats what it says!)

I have downloaded the most recent drivers.

I can plug a monitor in to the VGA slot and using the clone type thing, but I want to use it as two seperate montors and extend my desktop across it.

This is mostly so I can use powerpoint and view slides on one and slideshow on another.

Do i need to thow my laptop away and start again or is there anyway to work around this.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

ecarlson   2004-03-17 13:34
I don't know anything about that laptop's video card, but one option is to add a PCMCIA (cardbus) video card for the second display.

- Eric
Malcolm   2004-03-18 05:08
Thanks for your help, but I dont have a PCIMIA Slot. I have five usb ports!?!?! Is it possible to get a usb to PCIwhatsit add on?

Ged   2004-12-10 05:12
Malcolm could you please tell me where you can download the latest drivers.

Russell   2005-08-21 01:56
I got the same laptop but as far as i`m aware you can only clone the screen so both screens show the same desktop. In other words it`s not possible to do what your wanting unless theres an "add-on" somewhere which i doubt as i wont expect a laptop to be very "upgradable"
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop with intel82845G multiple monitor will clone but not split

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