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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI Radeon 9200.. multi-monitor with TV-out?
Phi Dinh   2004-03-18 08:42
hey i have an ATI Radeon 9200 with TV-Out, 64mb AGP..

wondering if i could have a second monitor (as a TV) though the tv-out

possibly extending the desktop onto it? i know the resolution would be really bad but it would be fun just to have a media player or a visualisation or something on there anyway...

Phi Dinh   2004-03-18 08:44
alternatively, would a PCI voodoo3 let me use another monitor (extending desktop )
wbarber69   2004-03-20 05:51
it shouldn't be a problem, I have the same set up in my pc, just make sure you have the right svideo'/composite cable to hook up to your tv, alternatively I have to run my input through my vcr first cause I don't have the right hook ups on my tv
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI Radeon 9200.. multi-monitor with TV-out?

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