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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> BEST VIDEO CARDS FOR 2 MONITOR SET UP
Rosso   2004-03-21 13:56
OK So i've descovered the world of poly-monitor setup and have decided to buy 2 19" TFT screens. Now what i want is an EXCELLENT if not the best way to set these babies up. I want the best Graphics card I can get or a few recommendations. Also what is the best PCI card i can buy right now? PLEASE HELP ME OUT im wanting to build up my new PC within a week! Thanks.
ecarlson   2004-03-21 14:24
Best for what? And how much do you want to spend? Dual-DVI cards start at about $150, then go up to probably over $1,000. Or you could buy 2 cards with DVI out probably starting at $75 each and going up to over $1,000 each. Of course, with two cards, you can only have one AGP card, so the other will have to be PCI. You could wait a few months for PCI-Express motherboards and video cards, and use 1 or 2 of them for even better performance than AGP.

Best for e-mail & browsing the web, editing photos & video, or anything else NOT involving 3D: Get a $150 dual-DVI card.

Best for the latest video games: I have no idea since I don't play video games.

- Eric
Rosso   2004-03-21 14:28
hello i have a budget of say $600. I want excellent quality and a good refresh rate too. what say you?
ecarlson   2004-03-22 11:04
I go for the $150 cards because I don't do 3D games, and the $150 cards are great for everything else, and are also often fine for the occasional 3D game. Hopefully some of the other people here can help you spend your $600. I'm currently partial to NVidia based cards, mostly because that's what I've had experience with, and they range from the inexpensive to the expensive.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> BEST VIDEO CARDS FOR 2 MONITOR SET UP

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