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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Deteriorating TV Picture.
David   2004-03-23 05:25
Hi. About a month ago I connected a Geforce FX 5200 to a 28" widescreen Panasonic tv via a composite cable and it worked perfectly for about 3 weeks. Then a week ago switched on the tv and the colours appeared "saturated" (mostly blue and red) giving a kind of "negative" appearance to the picture, in blues and reds. I can get a just about watchable picture, but far inferior to what it was, by turning the colour right down and the brightness and contrast right up on the tv. I am not aware of changing any settings and drivers are all up to date. Have been trawling the internet looking for an answer and came across this forum. Just wondering if anybody else has experienced this problem or if anyone knows what might be the cause?

David   2004-03-23 23:01
Just thought I would add that I tried the cable on another tv and the picture was again poor so I don't think the fault is with the tv. Nor do I think it is the cable as it worked properly for 3 weeks. That leaves the graphic card and/or pc? (I am running win xp on an Amd 2600 with a FX 5200 card). If you have any thoughts as to what it "might" be, please reply! (I also tried re-installing graphic card and drivers, but no improvement.)

peter   2004-03-28 10:08
i have a simalar problem to david i think the tv out on my card is playing up because i have tryed a spair geforce mx4000 i had laying about and its fine so b4 i send it back id love to know if theres a fix to save me the trouble i have a xfx fx 5200 256mb ddr ,amd 3200+,1gb ram,

you cant have any pudding if you dont eat ur meat
David   2004-04-01 05:06
Just to let you know that it was the graphic card that was faulty. Luckily the computer is still under warranty and I have a new card now which is working fine.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Deteriorating TV Picture.

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