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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual DVI card?? help
Keith Pritchard   2004-03-24 00:38
Hi all,

Trying desperately to find a card (or cards) that will let me have:-
monitor 1 LCD - 1920x1200
monitor 2 LCD - 1280x1024

Both DVI-I

I can do it easily if I live with vga-analogue for the second monitor, but that's so much more blurry than proper DVI.

I play games only very occasionally, the main use is text, photo editing on monitor 1 and monitor 2 is just used for web sites.

Any suggestions? I have a geforce3 card at the moment and wouldn't mind adding a pci to it for monitor 2 if that would work? although a single card would feel nicer perhaps.
Tim   2004-03-24 00:48
I am aware that there are PCI cards that offer dual DVI. If i am not wrong those are workstation cards and are quite costly. I think there was one by ELSA.
This one can support up to 4 monitors
Then again, if you were to spend so much money, there are dual DVI cards that are AGP.
Check out
Happened to look at elsa as i was trying (still trying) to find a solution for my Elsa FX, it currently has dual heads, wanted to add more PCI cards for more monitors but so far not very encouraging.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual DVI card?? help

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