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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors on windows XP laptop?
Mike R   2004-03-24 05:56
Hi, I currently have a 2-monitor system. I have a monitor connected to my laptop. In order to do this all I did was plug the monitor into the appropriate place on the back of my laptop. My question is: If I want to add a third monitor do I need to install additional hardware or can I go another route? Keep in mind I am not so techincal so any please keep any advice pretty simple.

Thanks, Mike
Paul   2004-03-24 17:18
Not possible
Christian Studer   2004-03-24 22:05
You could install a PCMCIA video card for the 3rd monitor, see the FAQ for more information on adding monitors to a laptop.

Christian Studer -
Tim   2004-03-25 10:10
Hey check this article out. Might not be exactly what you have in mind, but might do nicely.
Mike R   2004-03-25 12:02
Thanks everyone for the advice.- Mike
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors on windows XP laptop?

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