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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Not finding the second monitor on my Video Card
Nygle   2004-03-25 20:12
Video Card: Prophet III (lastest nVidia drivers)
OS: Win XP Home
Monitor: 1 CRT Viewsonic
1 LCD Samsung

1. When I start up my PC, the CRT will show bootup, but then XP show up on the LCD. at that time the CRT will shutdown.
2. I can only setup 1 monitor in my device manager
3. Only 1 monitor will show up on my display manager

Any items or Links would be helpful
mindabsence   2004-03-28 04:43
I'm not to familiar with Prophet III cards, but are you sure that it is a dual head? It may have 2 monitor plugs on the back but only support 1 output at a time.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Not finding the second monitor on my Video Card

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