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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> asus 9800xt or v9980 ultra ? hehe; ATI VS. NVIDIA
j.d   2004-03-25 21:00
hi folks,...

currently im running a dual monitor rig with an asus geforce3 (agp) and an asus geforce2 (pci).

everything is working correctly and i have no problems with it (puhh, ... lucky me :) )

but due to the massive developement in 3d games (farcry, ut2k4, upcomming: stalker, doom3 and halflife2) my main card (geforce3) doesn´t do its job very well (bad fps, resolution, etc.) and so i´m looking for a future solution which is capable of dualmonitoring and gaming.

i found these 2 cards (asus: 9800xt and nvidias opponent asus: v9980 ultra) and was wondering which would be better for my future needs.

both have an analog and a digital output which means that i only would need this card to make dualmonitoring.

but i am not sure which of these 2 is the better choice cause they seem very similar to me. or am i missing something ?

thanks for your infos

j.d   2004-03-26 23:13
hmm, anyone...

or is it an answer of selfdecision ?

one likes ati better and one likes nvidia better ?

but there are some differences, i think..

ati cannot do the spanmode ?!? (or am i wrong)
Tim   2004-03-26 23:19
Nvidia has new chip coming out mid april, best wait till then to decide, IMHO
j.d   2004-03-27 05:56
is it the nv 40 you ´re talking about or the pci-express cards which will come instead of the agp ones ?

hmm, i think a little bit of both :)
cause pci express will be the new standard...

thx 4 the info...

if you know anything more detailed please post..


Forums -> Multiple monitors -> asus 9800xt or v9980 ultra ? hehe; ATI VS. NVIDIA

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