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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors... ultramon bar on each one... help
Holyoak   2004-03-28 07:32
Here's how I have it:

Geforce 4 ti4200 AGP with dual outputs
Blade3d PCI with one output.

I have ran the Geforce with dual heads for a while and it's flawless. But now I wanted to try adding the PCI card for a third monitor.

I had to set the priority to PCI in my bis (P4p800 mobo), and it booted to the PCI, but windows still left the Geforce as the "main" monitors and such. But, they are identifyied with the AGP's as monitor 2 and 3, and then the crappy PCI screen is monitor 1.

After fiddling with Ultramon a bit, I got a taskbar on each monitor, but that's the problem, the main monitor with the real taskbar also has an ultramon taskbar also.

Any ideas on how to fix this? I'd like to use the 3 monitors, but ultramons is more important, so if it can't be fixed, I'd have to ditch the old 3rd.

Ideas would be great, thanks.
Holyoak   2004-03-28 07:35
Nevermind, I got it. I had never right clicked an ultramon taskbar before. It's all neater than pizza now.

Sweet job guys!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors... ultramon bar on each one... help

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