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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> System crashes after start up.
KenJ   2001-03-20 22:30
Well I'm not sure UltraMon it to blame of this..but while using you trial beta version my system crashed after whiching between primary and secondary. When the crash occurred I had my main monitor set to secondary. Now when I reboot and almost completely load Windows 2000 it flickers, gives me a blue screen with some message about a page fualt and then reboots. If I start in VGA mode it is fine. It appears that it is trying to switch to secondary while windows is loading so I removed the second video card and uninstalled both the cards driver and ultramon. No good still does it. If I uninstall my primary(or should I say the one I want to be primary) drives it starts ok, but once I reinstall the drives it will start rebooting again. Is there a config file some where that I can check to see if my video card it still set to secondary? I ready don't what to reformat.

Thanks for any help.
Christian Studer   2001-03-21 08:13
Sorry to hear this.

Please try the following:
- boot the system in safe mode
- open regedit.exe
- choose Edit/Find from the menu and search for Attach.RelativeX (look at values only)

This will find all display settings, for each hardware profile and display device. To make a monitor primary, set Attach.RelativeX and Attach.RelativeY to 0 (these values are the x and y coordinates of the monitor's top-left corner). Adjust the coordinates of the second monitor accordingly (make sure you use base Decimal when changing the values).

An example: you use a resolution of 1024x768 on the primary monitor. To position the second monitor to the right of the primary, you would set its position to Attach.RelativeX = 1024, Attach.RelativeY = 0.

After you have made the changes, reboot your system normally and hopefully all will be back to normal. Note that you need to be logged in as administrator to make these registry changes.

Contact me if you need any help with this procedure. You can also contact me on MSN Messenger, my address is

To figure out the cause of the problem, please let me know if you ever changed the primary monitor from Display Properties prior to doing it with UltraMon.

Christian Studer
KenJ   2001-03-21 09:46
That was a close one. I had four listings for video cards there. I wasn't sure quite what to do so I uninstall the drives for my video cards and deleted the registy entries for them. Rebooted let win2000 install the video card drivers and then rebooted again. On next start up everything was back to normal.

Thanks for the help.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> System crashes after start up.

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