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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 monitors and one tv at the same time.
Creasey   2004-04-01 08:40
I have an Asus V95700 powered by a geforce fx5700 256mb. i have 1 lcd flatscreen 1 normal monitor and a tv. The graphics card has outputs for all 3 of these display devices. but i can get only 2 to work at once. Is it possible at all to get all three working independantly of each other. in other words what i want is to have it set up so i can run my mouse over all three screens in one flowing swoop. This has been my dream for a while now. There must be a way

ecarlson   2004-04-01 14:24
No. Only 2 outputs are supported at one time on that card. You can add a second card.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 monitors and one tv at the same time.

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