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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Playing Games on one Monitor...
pixelfreak   2004-04-11 06:39
I use 2 Monitors on 2 GraphicCards (AGP Geforce2 Ti, PCI Radeon 7000). When I Play Games in Fullscreen Mode on the first Monitor and use Winamp or other Programs on the second Monitor all is ok. But by clicking a mouse button on the second monitor my game on the first monitor goes minimized to the taskbar... is there any posibility to play games and using other programs on the other monitor ?

Christian Studer   2004-04-11 21:25
Usually this doesn't work well, most games won't let you move the mouse to the other monitor without using ALT+TAB to get out of the game.

Also see the FAQ for more on this issue.

Christian Studer -
pixelfreak   2004-04-11 22:07
I can move to the other monitor during playing the game, but when i click a mouse button the game goes minimized to the taskbar. I tried to use MouseJail but it doesn't work ...

critter   2004-05-12 02:53
I dont think you can use your second monitor during game play without it interupting your game. But You can get mousejail.exe to stop your mouse from going to your other monitors during game play.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Playing Games on one Monitor...

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