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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Surround gaming.... But why???
Phi Dinh   2004-04-16 07:32
Hi guys

I just have a question about this surround gaming thing that everyone is a bit obsessed about at the moment...

THe idea sounds great, gaming on 3 monitors.

But i don't understand.. after reading some of the posts on here about it, it seems its just a normal 1 monitor game stretched across 3 monitors?

What would be the point in that except stretching the graphics so they look a bit distorted?

Initially i thought surround gaming was... erm.. more 3d? for example in an FPS like Unreal Tournament, the left and right monitors would show left and right views, whearas the middle one would show the forward view.

But instead, its 3 monitors showing a distored 1 forward view.


Correct me if im wrong, but basically, im baffled at the idea.
ecarlson   2004-04-16 09:23
It's not distorted in any way: It just has 3 times the horizontal view of a single monitor.

- Eric
Christian Studer   2004-04-16 23:54
Also see my review of the Matrox Parhelia for more on this, I tested Quake3 with increased field of view and Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator.

I liked the multi-monitor setup with CFS, but didn't find it very useful with Quake3.

Christian Studer -
Phi Dinh   2004-04-17 10:00
Oh i see. An increased field of view, that would make more sense!

Is it possible to make the field of view really large, for example more than 180 degrees?
m2h   2004-04-26 02:40
Depending on the game and the support behind it yes it is possible. I believe there is a mod for Quake that will play the game in 360 view. LOL.

Other than that, you may be interested in looking into how a CAVE works. ;)

Stalk m2h Today!
[io] [TMX] [DevArt]
Phi Dinh   2004-04-26 12:36

I dont get it :S

Is it possible to change vertical fields of view?
Perhaps it might be possible to spherize the view... that would be insane
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Surround gaming.... But why???

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