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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can I hook up 2 or more graphics cards in the same machine?
Nick   2004-04-20 02:02
I have an ATi AllInWonder 9800PRO 128 MB (agp)and an ATi Raedon 7500 64MB (pci). Can I connect the 7500 up on my machine with the other one already installed? I want to get the Multi-Monitor set-up but am not sure how to get it. My 9800 pro only has 1 monitor output, but the 7500 has two. Totalling 3 ... So someone help or shoot me a link as to where i can get it. Thanks - Nick
Phi Dinh   2004-04-20 04:58
Should work fine.

I don't know about those particular cards so if it doesnt work, try initializing either card first in the system BIOS

should work though
Nick   2004-04-20 07:00
once i've done that will i be able to do surround gaming or will i need something else?
Spooky   2004-04-21 06:06
Youll need a game that supports rendering to multiple devices and there arnt many of those around.
Josh   2004-04-22 16:50
The 7500 would be border line and i'm not sure of the exact settings but in order to do that you'd most likely have to set it to be the primary display in the bios.

Which would make it work great in windows but when you boot the screen whcih would hold all the information would be the one plugged into the primary cards. Also any older dos based games will not be playable using the monitors plugged into the new card.

Of course other then that it should work great so it's not to bad.

Also as been said, there are very few games for multiple monitors. I think there is a list of multi monitor games on this site, but there is only about 7 or so games in tottal.
wbarber69   2004-05-25 11:54
your best bet would be to set up the agp card as primary in the bios, the drawback will be that you can (probably) only use one monitor on the 7500. with Ati the best way to get 3 monitors is to buy a highend card with dual output, anything in the pci slots will lose all major functionality aside from being a graphics card, any multiple outputs you have aside from the agp will display from both outputs but will display the same information on both outputs so to get 3 monitors you'll probably have to get another card
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can I hook up 2 or more graphics cards in the same machine?

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