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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multi-monitors on ATI
Reese   2004-04-21 08:05
I am having trouble setting up a multi monitor system. The problem lays in that when i connect both my video cards

an Ati All in Wonder 9700 pro Radeon
and an ATI rage pro pci card

i get both monitors to work, but i can no longer run my ATI apps like my TV tuner, DVD player etc. It tells me i do now have an ATI card installed.

I have the latest Catalyst Drivers (4.4 i believe).

If anyone knows of a work around, please let me kno.

wbarber69   2004-04-25 11:12
rob   2004-05-06 15:12
for capture and tuner to work on the agp card, it must be the card that is set to boot 1st in the bios. i bet u have it set to pci 1st. so change it back to agp and that stuff should work again... however, that may cause the pci card to not work at all in windows... in that case, i dont know what 2 say... good luck

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multi-monitors on ATI

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