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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> KVMs
scooby   2004-04-23 06:36

I'm currently using a ATI 9700PRO and have a dual monitor set up. I well soon be done with my second system I'm building and will install a ATI 9800XT or may just wait for the new ATIX800 next gen stuff.
Anyways, I would like to still use dual monitor setup but would also like to switch from one computer to the other and still have a dual monitor setup. Is this possible using a KVM? If possible would I lose and prefromance to the monitors?

Can you guys help.
Thanks in advance:)
Christian Studer   2004-04-23 06:44
You'll need a KVM with multi-monitor support, see the FAQ for details.

Also see dual monitors and KVMs in the forum for more information.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> KVMs

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