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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> VLC does video wall effect :)
m2h   2004-04-26 02:27
I just noticed after playing around with VLC that there is a video filter to display only portions of a video into multiple windows to create a video wall.

The VideoLAN web site :

I don't have the required hardware atm to test it on multimonitor setup. But anyone else interested in trying to get it to work across multiple monitors?


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wbarber69   2004-05-25 11:47
I don't think any of us could afford the hardware required to run streaming video through that much hardware all in seperate windows
Oscar Koeroo   2004-07-12 19:57
That would be a most welcome feature.
I've got this setup to play/test with if the features exist and test out on my home computer (a dual => wide-screen?)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> VLC does video wall effect :)

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