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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Media Player(s) with Multiple Visualizations for Multi Mons?
Keith   2004-04-29 03:34
Has anyone ever come up with software to produce a Windows or any other kind of media player capable of showing a different visualization window, each showing a different visualiztion, playing off of one piece of music from a CD or sound file in each of the monitors that you might have on a system?
m2h   2004-05-05 15:43
Winamp's AVS supports multiple monitors.
Milkdrop for Winamp also supports multiple monitors, but personally have never figured out how to make it work.
Both come with the latest versions of Winamp.

-- m2h was here ;)
m2h   2004-05-05 15:46
Oh.. and I beleive there is a Winamp plugin that allows you to use more than on plugin at the same time. So it might be possible to configure Winamp to show a different visualization on each screen. But this thought is all speculation. Only one way to find out though! :)

Other than that, I would think running multiple visualizations (depending on their complexity) to bog the system down and run slowly.

-- m2h was here ;)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Media Player(s) with Multiple Visualizations for Multi Mons?

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