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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Nvidia AGP & PCI Combination
Mr Latte   2004-05-01 22:04

Im wanting to have the best combination Nvidia based to run 3 monitors.

Am I better running monitor 1 & 2 via the AGP with 3rd on PCI or run monitor 1 on AGP and 2nd & 3rd via PCI? What would give best results?

Most importantly:
Can anyone confirm that Nvidias Horizontal spanning mode works with a AGP and PCI combanition or is it limited to one card (AGP) only. Primarily I want to achieve having Power DVD etc running on all 3 screens and utilise perhaps a video input for the same effect as having one large 50"+ monitor.

Appreciate any information or suggestions.
Tantalus   2004-05-02 06:42
>Am I better running monitor 1 & 2 via the AGP with 3rd on PCI or run monitor 1 on AGP and 2nd & 3rd via PCI?

the best results are usually running dual output from the agp card and the remaining off PCI cards.

>Can anyone confirm that Nvidias Horizontal spanning mode works with a AGP and PCI combanition or is it limited to one card (AGP) only.

i use exclusively matrox cards so i don't know if nvidia's spanning will work w/a different vendor card...if you use two nvivia cards i'd say you won't have any problem.

>Primarily I want to achieve having Power DVD etc running on all 3 screens

are you talking about cloning the dvd to all three screens or are you talking about running it across all three dislays (i doubt that powerdvd will allow this to work).
Christian Studer   2004-05-02 06:44
Span mode doesn't work across multiple cards.

I don't know if their quad (4-monitor) card, the Nvidia Quadro NVS 400, supports span mode across all 4 monitors, but my guess would be it doesn't, due to using two chipsets.

Christian Studer -
mr latte   2004-05-02 11:33
Thanks guys.

I have seen people running Power DVD via Twin monitors which is of course using the one card. Im currently on ATI and have achieved partial success of 3 screen video but only with certain apps and mostly Quicktime playback. Simular to the way videosaver will playback on 3 as one with certain files.

Heres my requirements/
1) Full Movie DVD spanning across all 3 like 1 large display.
2) Video Input features included on one of the cards or with an additional INPUT TV-TUNER PCI card.
2b)Connecting a console or for example PC(1) using its tv output)and inputing this signal via the "Video Input" or "tv input" on PC(2). This would allow really any video input source to be positioned or sized to any preference acros the 3 displays. Alough it would not be like surround gaming as it doesnt change the line of sight, just basically would let me enjoy games and entertainment like on a very large single display.

Now does any combination or make allow this?
mr latte   2004-05-02 11:34
Thanks guys.

I have seen people running Power DVD via Twin monitors which is of course using the one card. Im currently on ATI and have achieved partial success of 3 screen video but only with certain apps and mostly Quicktime playback. Simular to the way videosaver will playback on 3 as one with certain files.

Heres my requirements/
1) Full Movie DVD spanning across all 3 like 1 large display.
2) Video Input features included on one of the cards or with an additional INPUT TV-TUNER PCI card.
2b)Connecting a console or for example PC(1) using its tv output)and inputing this signal via the "Video Input" or "tv input" on PC(2). This would allow really any video input source to be positioned or sized to any preference acros the 3 displays. Alough it would not be like surround gaming as it doesnt change the line of sight, just basically would let me enjoy games and entertainment like on a very large single display.

Now does any combination or make allow this?
Tantalus   2004-05-02 15:10
>Full Movie DVD spanning across all 3 like 1 large display.

you won't be able to span across 3-4 monitors unless the card supports that many displays, ie. the single card must be able to drive all spanned displays.

>Video Input features included on one of the cards or with an additional INPUT TV-TUNER PCI card.

all three vendors offer dual pc & tv in/out - ati and nvidia head the pack in this area.

>Connecting a console or for example PC(1) using its tv output)and inputing this signal via the "Video Input" or "tv input" on PC(2).

never tried it and somewhat iffy. for starters, you won't be able to do one spanned display anyway and have tv support as well. secondly, it would just be simpler to designate 1 display for tv 'contnet' and funnel the output accordingly.
Douggie   2004-05-30 12:58
As a tri-LCD user myself, I have the following hardware:

GeForce FX 5900XT 128MB DDR AGP (2 LCD's)
GeForce FX 5200 128MB DDR PCI (1 LCD)

I can play most newer games on span mode on the AGP card, but the Nvidia drivers don't currently let any sort of "spanning" (other than just another display--thru the Windows display properties) thru a PCI or second video card.

NOTE: I'm told this will change in their various PCI Express versions of their cards, since they're all PCI Express versions (meaning, you can have two equally powered video cards in a machine, not just an AGP and a PCI).

So I'm excited to be able to play games besides Flight Sim on three monitors.

Check out pics:
Douggie   2004-05-30 12:59
OK, here's a better link to the pics:

Pic 1

Pic 2
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Nvidia AGP & PCI Combination

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