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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Remote Controlling Multiple Monitors
Billy O'Neil   2004-05-02 23:43
Does anyone know if there is a Remote control application that supports multiple Monitors (Like VNC)
ecarlson   2004-05-03 13:17
There was an extensive thread on that topic last year. I think the answer is pretty much: no, but there was at one time a version of VNC that actually supported multi-monitors. Search for the thread to find out more details, and please let us know if you find out anything new.

- Eric
Adam Watt   2004-05-10 06:29
I use Symantec PCAnywhere v. 11.0.1 and it works with dual monitors just fine.
ecarlson   2004-05-10 14:02
So you are remote controlling a dual-monitor system via PCAnyWhere, and you can control both monitors on the remote end with no problems? Do you have dual monitors on both ends of the connection, or just on the far/remote/host end?

What kind of video card(s) is/are on the remote end? Are both monitors on the remote end set to the same resolution? The same refresh rate?

- Eric
Adam Watt   2004-05-10 17:42
On the remote system I am running the Colorgraphic Xentera GT 2 and two 19" Dell flat panel LCD's. They are both running at 1280x1024 and 60 Hz.

I have dual 21's on my end running at 1600x1200 but I cannot connect directly to the remote system so I running through another remote connection with a single monitor and I am not sure how it looks on dual monitors from the client end. But I believe if your resolution was the same or higher it would be pretty close to what you would look at normally. However the performance might be a little slow just because of the amount of data that has to be relayed back and forth.

However the way I am viewing it is the full screen height and the width is twice as wide so you have to scroll over in PCAnywhere to see the second desktop.

I've got another machine with 3 19's that I am trying to connect to with the primary as the central monitor. Not sure how PCAnywhere will handle that one.
ecarlson   2004-05-11 14:07
Cool. Please let us know how the 3-monitor setup works via PCAnywhere wne you have it working.

On the remote 2-monitor system, does Windows Display properties show the dual monitors as one really-wide monitor, or does it show it as 2 seperate monitors?

- Eric
Adam Watt   2004-05-12 04:16
It shows as 2 seperate monitors. So it's a little goofy having your system tray in the middle of the screen.

But it's still 2 monitors work of data.
ecarlson   2004-05-13 05:53
Thanks for the info.

- Eric
Coolnat2004   2004-05-21 07:31
The RealVNC 4 Beta supports multiple monitors--but it's a little skimpy on compression:

Let hope TightVNC ( will add multiple monitor support in the near future.
A Green   2004-05-25 21:10
I'm currently trying to connect two machines with matrox g200mms video cards (4 monitors (separate not one big screen!)) with PC Anywhere, all i can get to be sent from the host is the pimary monitor... does anyone have any ideas??

Would be very grateful of any advice!
ecarlson   2004-05-26 10:54
Are you using PCAW 11.0.1 or newer, like the person mentioned above? I would guess that much older versions won't work.

- Eric
ecarlson   2004-05-26 10:56
I just checked, and 11.0.1 is the latest version. Is that the version you are having a problem with?

- Eric
Christian Studer   2004-06-14 00:25
I have tested pcAnywhere 11 with two 3-monitor systems, works fine. See pcAnywhere and multiple monitors for details.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Remote Controlling Multiple Monitors

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