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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Smart taskbar: group similar taskbar buttons, select multiple buttons
Wizt   2004-05-03 02:36
I just started using smart taskbar and i'm really impressed, but there are some features I miss which exist in the regular windows taskbar.

Such as grouping of similar taskbar buttons when the taskbar is "full". The way it is now is that the buttons just dissapear beyond the edge. Probably most troublesome when the taskbar spans vertically since the buttons don't decrease in height.

And also selection of multiple buttons whilst pressing CTRL og SHIFT to simplify closing/minimizing/moving etc. of several windows at once would be great.

Another feature I personally wouldn't mind is a way to maximize windows across a given set of monitors. Like maximizing to desktop works, only excluding certain monitors.

If you manage to incorporate even just ONE of these features you'd make my day =)
Christian Studer   2004-05-03 07:43
Thanks for the suggestions, will be considered for UltraMon 3.

Christian Studer -
John Yamasaki   2004-11-04 02:53
I agree that grouping similar items under one button would be a fantastic addition to the ultramon taskbar. Especially if you could make it to always group the items under one button..

Anthony Missico, Jr.   2004-11-19 14:47
You got my vote for:

"selection of multiple buttons whilst pressing CTRL og SHIFT to simplify closing/minimizing/moving etc. of several windows"

I especially like to group applications then "Tile..." so I can see what is going on in each application.
Richard   2010-05-18 22:37
Has this function been implemented yet in UM3? If so, I'll buy it, if not I'll look for alternatives.

deltafalcon   2010-11-05 06:14
UltraMon feels empty considering that it can't group similar items on the secondary task bar, or use smart menus like the new Windows 7 task bar can.

Is it at all possible to implement grouping and smart menus in UltraMon 3? I've noticed that the grouping feature has been requested a few times (as far back as 2003) yet it hasn't been included yet. I would also like to see smart menu support added since this raises the usability and productivity level quite a lot.
Ian   2011-03-30 06:34
"Is it at all possible to implement grouping and smart menus in UltraMon 3?"

I second that! I usually have a lot of explorer windows open on my second monitor and it would be very useful to have them all in one group.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Smart taskbar: group similar taskbar buttons, select multiple buttons

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