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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video Card recommendation please
ocp   2004-05-03 03:06
I'm looking to create a system with multi monitors (2 viewsonics). Any recommendation on video cards (dual head and one tv out) that will work best with Ultramon?

I'm looking to:
Play the same DVD on multiple monitors fullscreeen

MPEGs on multiple monitors fullscreen

and maybe 3d screensavers..

Any recommendations?

I tried 2 ATI 9200's so far and had horrible luck getting multiple screens playing the same dvd (it was REALLY slow..had to shut video overlays off to work)

Hy Braverman
sulla   2004-11-02 10:21
I would recommend a Matrox Parhelia P650 if you only want to have 2 screens. I have it, it is W*O*N*D*E*R*F*U*L!!! It will also support an additional TV-out using a separate splitter cable, I believe. The greatest thing 'bout this card is, it has NO FAN. So it is totally quiet.

For 3 screens try the P750, but it has a fan.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video Card recommendation please

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