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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Headaches with Matrox Parhelia in triple head mode (long)
khariv   2004-05-03 09:44
I am running a Matrox Parhelia in triple head mode and Im having a very strange problem.

Here's the story so far... I used to have the SAME parhelia card in a Windows 2000 machine (dual PIII's) and everything worked 100% correctly with no problems. I recently built a new system (dual Xeon) running windows XP and the same Parhelia card.

Anyway, just about everything works just spiffy with this configuration. However, I have a problem running certain games in windowed mode (namely Ultima Online 3D). The guys at Matrox have not been any help in tracking down the problem and I have tried just about every combination of drivers, driver settings, CMOS settings, etc. to get it working.

When I launch the game, it comes up full screen and animated icons on the deskop / taskbar (like task manager, etc.) flash through. The game is basically unplayable. Everything works fine if I switch to single monitor mode or if I run in two monitor, independent mode. Its only with the "stretched" desktop that things dont work correctly. Of course, "stretched" desktop mode is the only one supported by Matrox for triple head configurations. Again - this worked just fine under 2000, so my guess is that there's something different in how XP addresses the video drivers that is causing the problem.

So.....I'm really hoping that someone else here runs this configuration (parhelia triple head XP) and can at least test things out to make sure its not just my PC configuration. There is a free demo Ultime Online availble for download - you dont need an account or anything just to launch the game and see if it works on your rig.

If you are and wouldnt mind a bit of a test, please drop me a line and I can give you more details on what needs to be done.


Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Headaches with Matrox Parhelia in triple head mode (long)

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