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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Quad monitor with 2 video cards problem
Disco Stu   2004-05-07 10:48
Hi, All

I'm trying to get 4 LCD monitors working using 2 video cards:

NVidia GeForce4 Ti4200 AGP (Dual Head)
NVidia GeForce2 MX400 PCI (Dual Head)

For some reason, my XP Pro system will sometimes (maybe 10% of the time) detect all 4 displays. About 80% of the time it will only see the 2 on the AGP card and just show the PCI card as a single display, and the other 10%, the system sees all 4 displays, but only 3 will turn on. Very strange. If I reboot a few times in a row, the monitor that is disabled will randomly switch back and forth between the two PCI outputs. I've tried updated drivers to no avail...anybody have any thoughts?
ecarlson   2004-05-07 11:39
I've had problems when connecting an LCD as a second monitor on my PNY Ti4200 card (See old posts about it). Maybe try older drivers instead of newer.

Maybe also try updating your motherboard BIOS if you haven't already. Also, try change which card is primary in BIOS setup.

Please let us know if you find a solution.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Quad monitor with 2 video cards problem

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