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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> secondary LCD text slightly fuzzy
jer   2004-05-10 02:33
i have two 19" LCD panels. the main one has perfectly sharp text. the secondary is slightly blurry and i cant seem to fix it. they are both hooked up to the same 9700 pro.

i have tried true type, didnt work.

i swapped the screens to test and see if the screen itself was defective. the screen works fine.

i tried the focus feature in the menu of the screen and that didnt work.
Jeff Bigger   2004-05-10 03:43
I have three 19" lcd's connected to 2 cards
(config 6019)
My guess is your card has only one DVI and one
analog out. the display on the analog out won't be as sharp as the DVI side by side
If Im right your option will be get a card with dual DVI out or a second card with one for the second monitor.
to avoid the mismatch on mine, I just used the adaptors that came with my cards to run all 3 of mine analog or I would need yet another card.
they look good to me.
Dont know if this helps but its my first reply
graham   2004-06-08 06:06
i have a radeon 7500 using multiple monitors but crt not lcd. i have the same problem have swapped montors around physically and with software and the fault always manifested itself on the second port of the card regless of what software option or monitor i have connected. i have tried many drivers for both card and monitors.

what card are you using ?

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> secondary LCD text slightly fuzzy

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