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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Clock on second monitor
critter   2004-05-12 02:58
I am running dual monitors, I have download almost everything for my setup, and loving it. My problem is how do you get the clock from my one monitor to the other. I do have the task bar now on both, but the taskbar on monitor 2 doesnt have the clock, it just shows the programs running on that monitor. Any ideas let me know. Other than that I love my dual monior setup and no other problems.
Christian Studer   2004-05-12 07:43
Support for the clock on UltraMon taskbars is planned for UltraMon 3.

Christian Studer -
critter   2004-05-13 12:43
Can't wait until three comes out then ;)

Brandon   2004-05-17 13:29
Put me down as another user who wants a clock on the second taskbar. Good to hear it's already in the works for version 3. Another thing I would like to have is the ability to Right-Click on the 2nd taskbar (the UltraMon taskbar) and be able to launch "Task Manager" like you can do on the primary windows taskbar. This would give the 2nd taskbar more of a seamless feel for me as I am constantly opening up the task manager from the taskbar to change the priorities of running processes. Even the entire right click menu would be awesome but launching task manager from the 2nd taskbar is the one it's hard to live without. Great product keep up the good work.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Clock on second monitor

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