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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> TV + Ultra Mon
Quibble   2004-05-14 17:57
I'm running ULTRA Mon with display profiles.
One profile will run all 3 screens (2 on a ti4600 and the other a PCI MX440) The second one will run the main screen only on the ti4600.

Now the ti4600 has the TV also plugged into it. What i need to find it out is, is there a way to get is to that I can get the the TV only to come on under a ULTRA Mon profile or do i have to do it the manual way of going through properties??


Nou ani anquietas
Christian Studer   2004-05-14 23:16
You'll need to do this manually, UltraMon currently doesn't support switching between TV and monitor.

I'm going to look into this for UltraMon 3, but don't know yet if it is actually possible.

Christian Studer -
Quibble   2004-05-15 22:36
Thanks for the help.

Nou ani anquietas
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> TV + Ultra Mon

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