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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Compaq Armada E500 and ArmadaStation EM
NetBoot   2004-05-16 06:57
The Armada E500 Laptop(Windows XP Pro) has a ATI Rage-M AGP video and in the docking station has a VisionTek ATI 9100 PCI card.

When I try set the laptop BIOS to use the internal display adapter as secondary the computer locks up. My guess is that the Radeon card does support VGA natively(BIOS).

If I set the laptop BIOS internal display adapter as primary the computer boots up. But I don't want a dual video display. It runs ok, but I occasionally get video lock ups.

I'm looking for a high end PCI video card that will work with this setup. Matrox has a card that claims to fit the bill, but I can't see paying 700 dollars for a video card.

Anyone successfully running a high end PCI video card with the laptop BIOS internal display adapter set as secondary?

Thanks you for your time.
Dries Driessens   2004-11-11 07:49

has anyone any clue how to solve this? I am really interested too.

I think the problem lies in compatibility: if PCI-slots in a docking station wouldn't be a problem, I think every docking station would have them. It's a fantastic feature, but a disappointment in reality.

Thank you for any advice or experience you would like to share.

dries_driessens at
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Compaq Armada E500 and ArmadaStation EM

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