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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cant get Dual monitor back to normal (nView?)
Christian   2004-05-20 08:37
Ok i enabled the output to the tv on my geforce ti4600 and then i went to change it back to dual monitors and i cant get it back to what it was before...primary monitor on my right (with taskbar and icons and such) and secondary on my left...does anyone here know what the nView settings should be? ive tried so many different settings and none seem to work.
Christian   2004-05-20 08:57
ok i think ive got the nview settings right now....but now i cant get my second smart taskbar to go on the other monitor...when i enable it it just sits on top of the normal windows taskbar and it wont go over to the secondary monitor what is going on? also once i get this fixed is it possible in any way to have like a profile for my duals and then one for the tv?
Christian Studer   2004-05-20 22:42
See this thread for more information on configuring the Smart Taskbar.

UltraMon currently can't switch between monitor and TV. I'm looking into this for UltraMon 3, but don't know yet if it can be done.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cant get Dual monitor back to normal (nView?)

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