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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitors Problem...
JasonB   2004-05-20 08:58
Hey, I have an ATI Sapphire Radeion 9600 256mb card in my 4x AGP slot, and an ATI Mach 64 in my PCI slot. (I also tried a S3 Trio card and it did the same thing). I went into the BIOS and set the video to PCI as opposed to AGP and then I was just going to make the Radeon my default monitor in windows XP and then use the Mach64 as an extended desktop. Anyways, I see the Windows XP loading screen on the mach64 card's montior like I should, and then I get a blue error screen that I dont even have time to read because it restats less than 1 second after it displays the bsod. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks :)
ecarlson   2004-05-20 12:12
One suggestion: Turn off the "auto-restart after blue screen" option so you can see the error, then look up the error on Google, Google Groups, and/or

- Eric
JasonB   2004-05-20 13:10
Thanks. I did that and this is the error I got:

I googled it and came up with a bunch of stuff for Windows 2000 and it was mostly about hard drive errors I believe :(
JasonB   2004-05-21 04:32
JasonB   2004-05-21 04:36
Is it possible the Mach64 won't support dual monitors or somthing?
ecarlson   2004-05-22 10:17
I've mostly used other cards along with NVidia cards (and Nvidia with NVidia), but I would think that card combo is capable of working.

- Eric
ecarlson   2004-05-22 10:18
PS: I couldn't access the error message picture.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitors Problem...

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