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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Smart Taskbar not so Smart...
andrew   2004-05-20 14:14
Smart Taskbar used to work great (sepreate taskbars on each monitor) but one of my monitors began to bother me so i replaced it and now, my primary monitor has BOTH taskbars on its screen...

so monitor 1 has the taskbar for itself and for monitor 2.

the tasks on monitor 2 show up on the taskbar on monitor 1 (like its suppose too, but the bar is on the wrong screen.) any help would be good. thanks.
Christian   2004-05-20 16:15
i have that exact same problem and it started today i was hoping someone could help me too heh
Christian Studer   2004-05-20 22:28
To move the UltraMon taskbar, right-click a free area on the taskbar and make sure that Lock Taskbar is unchecked, then grab the bottom-right corner and drag it to the desired position.

You could also let UltraMon create a new default configuration, see the FAQ for more information on this.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Smart Taskbar not so Smart...

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