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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming and Video with dual monitors (please help)
theberkin8or   2004-05-21 02:29
I have a nvidia ti 4400 card with two monitors hooked up and everything seems to be working how it should but there are a couple things i really want to be able to do which i can't figure out how to.

1. go back to a single desktop/monitor for gaming. Is there way to do this without disconnecting my second montor? The issue is not the mouse going off the screen I was able to fix that by doing indivaul settings on the game (in the control panel) but I am worried about losing a lot of preformance.

2. I would really like to be able to do full screen on my second montor with things like windows media player, my ati tv card output, winamp's avi.

thanks for the help it is really apprecated. btw sorry if some of this has already been answered I am on aol right now and it takes forever to find anything.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming and Video with dual monitors (please help)

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