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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Displays max resolution on Matrox Parhelia?
Angelica   2004-05-24 01:56
Hello all,

I am thinking about getting a matrox Parhelia to run a triple display on 3 Sony GDM-FW900 24" CRT monitors.
Currently I have a Matrox G550 running two displays at 1600X2400 (1600X1200@85 and 1600X1200@75).

What I am trying to find out from some who has a Parhelia is it capable of running 1600X3600 (3-1600X1200) and at what refresh rates.

Any help would be appreciated.

Christian Studer   2004-05-24 02:09
In TripleHead mode, maximum resolution per monitor is 1280x1024, so you'll get a 3840x1024 desktop. I don't know the maximum refresh rate, but at least 75 Hz is supported.

See my Parhelia review for more information.

Christian Studer -
Angelica   2004-05-24 02:12
Sorry forgot to ask.
What would be the Parhelia be capable of running 4800X1200 and at what refresh rate?
Christian Studer   2004-05-25 20:44
Correction to my previous post: 75 Hz is with 1024x768 per monitor, I couldn't test with 1280x1024 due to my secondary monitors only supporting up to 1024x768.

The 1280x1024 max resolution for TripleHead mode comes from the Matrox website.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Displays max resolution on Matrox Parhelia?

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