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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> i need advise on multi-monitor requirements
donald kastiko   2004-05-25 23:47

i've been trying for ages to get something that will enable me to use anywhere from 3 monitors or more on one cpu and be able to do different tasks on each monitor but have so far been unsuccessful.
is there anyone who can help me resolve this problem. i thank you in advance for your reply and hope that your reply will be helpful.
ecarlson   2004-05-26 10:59
Sounds like pretty basic stuff, if you're talking about one user having different apps open on different monitors. What are the specific problems you are having?

- Eric
Tantalus   2004-05-26 14:25
yes, many of us here are doing exactly what your asking about.

for starters, please tell us what OS you are running, the type (pci or agp) & brand of video card(s) you currently have, etc.
donald kastiko   2004-05-27 22:13

first of all thanks to ecrlson & tantalus for your responce,now to the nitty gritt,i am using windowsxp home edition and my main problem is getting a video card that will enable me to use two or more monitors each perfominga different task,i am trading stock markets part time and i need to be able to say eg view an s&p500 chart on one monitor and view a chart of nasdaq on another monitor at the same time.
again ithank you for your responce.
nb:can you please keep it abit on the laymanside.
ECarlson   2004-05-28 04:48
You've got hundreds of choices of video cards. Many modern video cards come standard with dual outputs, and there are also 4-output cards available. You can put multiple cards in one computer (only one AGP, the rest PCI).

It's all pretty easy and standard stuff. Since you aren't playing video games across multiple monitors, it should just be: install the video card or cards, connect the monitors, load the video drivers, and you're done. You can drag each application to a different monitor.

I'm not sure why you've had a problem finding a solution, since multi-monitor solutions have been readily available, and in common use for many years.

If you're having specific problems, please let us know.

- Eric,
Sam   2004-05-28 10:59
Not to hijack your post Donald but I hate to post a similar question again. I currently have 2 LCD screens, a 19" and an 18". I would like to add a third. My video card is an ATI Radeon 8500 which supports dual monitors. To add a third, would I just need to buy a cheap-o video card for the third monitor? If so, any suggestions on what kind?
ecarlson   2004-05-28 12:42
Yes. You just add a PCI card. You might check the database to see what PCI cards people have used along with your current card.

- Eric
donald kastiko   2004-06-02 10:18

thanks again for your prompt reply eric much appreiciated,i am not very good with the whole technical part of pc's so i am writing a list of what my pc has and hope that u can give me a recommendation as to what to get in order to use anywhere from two monitors on ward doing different tasks on each individual monitor.

-eclipse ECO series computer system-duron 1300
-Asus A7N266VM Socket a motherboard with nForce
-256Mb 266Mhz 184Pin DDR Memory mudule
-socket A/FCPGA upto 2000
-40Gb UDMA 7200RPM IDE hard disk drive
-premier care 30
-56.6 ambient chipset PCI data/fax/voice modem

these the specifics of my pc,i hope you will be able to help me come up with a solution to my problem
ps:when you recommend a video card etc can you please be so kind as to give me the full name so that i ts easy for me to acquire it.
ecarlson   2004-06-02 13:15
What types of monitors do you want to run (LCD/CRT), and at what resolutions?

In general, any inexpensive (~$100) NVidia based cards should do fine. I think NewEgg has a bunch.

For starters, get a dual-out AGP card (if your motherboard supports AGP), and a dual-out PCI card, that'll give you 4 monitors, then you can add more PCI cards later.

You might want the AGP card to have dual DVI-I ports, and get 2 DVI-VGA adapters (if they're not included) if you want to run analog monitors, and you'll have the option to switch to digital monitors at any time.

The PCI card will probably only have one DVI-I port, and one regular VGA port, but at least you'll be able to run 3 Digital monitors, and one analog monitor.

- Eric
donald kastiko   2004-06-02 20:34

i will be using analog monitors for the time being and switch to digitalin two to three months time.can you give me names of good dual out AGP card and a dual out PCI card.
whats the importance of having dual DVI-I ports and what are the DVI-VGA adapters for?
thanks again eric for your help
Barton   2004-06-02 23:09

Don't want to overstep my bounds but I have a suggestion.


Buy this card from and if you have a current AGP card installed, replace it with this one.

According to ASUS, your motherboard only has 3 PCI slots and 1 AGP. If you want to add additional monitors, you might have a problem depending on how may PCI slots you currently have open.

As far as the DVI-VGA adapter, these will allow you to use this card with either analog or digital monitors. Most of the newer LCD monitors have "digital" inputs. If you decide to upgrade your monitor later, this card will support it.

I personally have this card as a backup. It's not great for playing a lot of graphic intensive games, but for email, surfing, word processing, spreadsheets, works great. (my system)

When you get to Newegg's site, click on the various images related to the card. It should help you understand what comes with the card and what the parts do.

Good Luck!

donald kastiko   2004-06-03 23:16

well thanks for overstepping the boundary eric.
i am not using any of my ports pci or agp,can you please tell me a minimum number of pci/agp card to start with and the maximum i can use.
i have gone to the newegg site and its abit confusing can you give me pointers on how to navitor the site.
donald kastiko   2004-06-03 23:18
sorry do the dvi-vga adsptors work with both agp/pci cards
ecarlson   2004-06-04 14:44
DVI-VGA adapters will work on any DVI-I port to connect it to a monitor that has a regular VGA connector. DVI-D ports only support digital monitors, but most DVI ports are DVI-I. The only true way to tell the difference is to read the card specs to see which port the card has.

If you get the card recommended here, NewEgg also has lots of dual-out NVidia based PCI cards you could use to add more monitors.

- Eric
donald kastiko   2004-06-06 05:36

eric i am thinking of getting"ASUS nVIDIA GeForce FX5200 Video Card, 128MB DDR, Dual DVI/VIVO, 8X AGP, Model "V9520 Video Suite" -RETAIL" from newegg the add anotherone late,what DVI-VGA adapters would you recomend and where to get them
Barton   2004-06-06 08:22
The DVI-VGA adapters come with that card. Read the description on NEwegg's website and understand what is included with the card.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> i need advise on multi-monitor requirements

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