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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI FireGL 8800 Question...
James   2004-05-28 03:34
I have the following setup (I'll list all the specs so there are no questions...)

Windows XP w/ SP2
512MB DDR 333
AMD Athlon 2400+
ATI FireGL 8800 128MB DDR (Dual Head - VGA/DVI)

Primary Monitor (on VGA Port):
17" Samsung SyncMaster (CRT)

Secondary Monitor (on DVI Port):
17" vprMatrix (Best Buy Brand CRT)


My problem is this UltraMon and even the ATI FireGL software only sees these monitors as one physical unit - which creates the following annoyances:

1. My task bar extends all the way over to the right monitor (clock is at the far right - start menu at the far left)

2. Anytime any software starts the splash screen is in between the monitors.

2a. When maximizing an application it takes up both screens (not just one of the monitors that it would have been occupying more than 50% of the space of the screen)

3. Dialog boxes always appear in between the monitors.


Is there anyway to get this car to work like this (my work machine is setup this way):

My primary monitor is he only monitor with the task bar.

All applications start on the primary and when maximized only take up one screen.

Hence the software will see this setup as two physical monitors each with their own resolutions not how it is doing it now...

with it seeing it as one monitor with a huge resolution...

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,
James DeRosa
ECarlson   2004-05-28 04:52
For NVidia cards they call that Span mode, and you would just turn off Span mode to get back to regular dual-independent monitors. I'm not sure what the setting is for ATI. Hopefully one of the ATI users here will have an answer.

- Eric,
dries   2004-06-25 18:46
I managed to get a normal dual screen config. when setting the display driver to 'radeon 8800 family' under win xp. Actually, this just happened after re-re-reinstalling and de-installing the FIREGL drivers. However, the card performs less well in programs such as max. I assume this has to do with the missing firegl's optimised drivers.
dries   2004-06-28 04:42

First you setup the card with the drivers of the 'radeon 8800 family'. This is easily done: just do NOT install the FireGL drivers. The OS (WindowsXP in my case) automatically sets the display adapter to 'radeon 8800 family'. Then you install the so-called DNA-drivers. At the time of writing DNA version is the most recent release (size: 23.2 MB). These drivers are based on the Catalyst drivers published by ATI. To download and for more information, check out the DNA-drivers forum on

Performance dramatically increases since OpenGL is re-enabled. Furthermore, in the display settings 2 monitors are recognised. Subsequently, these can be setup separately (resolution, refresh rate). No more stretched view as was the case when using the FireGL drivers from ATI but real dual screen functionality.

Finally, what really annoys me is ATI's inability to provide me with an adequate solution to the problem, but moreover that none of the serious hardware review sites ever addressed this lack of normal dual screen functionality. Flame intended!

Now, let's all get back to work!


Additional info about the DNA-drivers package:

VERSION:: DNA-drivers
* Based on the official ATALYST 4.6 drivers
* Added New DNA-drivers themes to the installation
- all icons in the CP and start-menu get the theme chosen
* Added a Control Panel uninstall routine to the
- DNA-drivers installation
* Re-added the WMV Acceleration button (on demand
- of the DNA-drivers community)
* Added support for:
-:RADEON X800 XT Platinum Edition
-:SAPPHIRE RADEON 9600SE Edition 128MB
-:GeCube RADEON 7000 PCI 32 MM
-:RADEON X300 *RV370*
-:RADEON X600 *RV380*
-:RADEON X880 *R423*
-:RADEON X880 PRO *R423*
-:RADEON X880 SE *R423*
-:RADEON X880 XT *R423*
-:ATI FireGL 8800
-:ATI FireGL V1100 / V3100
-:ATI FireGL V3200
* Updated support for:
-:All FireGL cards (control panel is working now)
-:Mobility cards (large/extended desktop modes)
* Removed SmartGart unistaller
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI FireGL 8800 Question...

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