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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> One monitor in a game and one with desktop?
brian   2004-05-29 10:56
I'm just making sure that I can do this easily right? I play a game called World War 2 Online and i'd like to have a second monitor displaying the map and maybe TeamSpeak or something while the left monitor being fixed on the game, is this possible?

Is there also any way of shortcutting the mouse to only effect the left or right monitor and switching with a toggle back and forth?

Thanks for any help,
Tantalus   2004-05-30 03:28
i don't really game much and my understanding is that until recently the overwhelming majority of games did not have multi-display support.

check your game setup options to see if a second display option is listed. if not, try to drag the popup (secondary windows) to the other display. if you can't then, then i'm afraid you're outta luck.
brian   2004-06-01 03:46
Well the map is part of a webpage or the desktop environment, what i'm asking if I can have one monitor on full-screen display and another on desktop?
Christian Studer   2004-06-01 04:17
That's no problem, the only issue you might encounter is that the windows on the secondary monitor get shifted to the right when the game starts, see the FAQ for workarounds for this.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> One monitor in a game and one with desktop?

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