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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> help, dual monitor on ibm Thinkpad T23
sienkiwicz   2004-06-03 13:22
hi, guys, I connected a CRT to my T23, my os is windows xp professional, and my video adpter is S3 superSavage/IXC. when i go to video setup, there is no the option that "Extend my Window Desktop onto this monitor", is that my windows xp fault?
Tantalus   2004-06-03 16:33
double-check to make sure you have the correct video driver.

open your display applet and click on the Settings tab. you should see a grayed out display #2. simply enable the 'Extend windows desktop onto this monitor' and you're set.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> help, dual monitor on ibm Thinkpad T23

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