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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> KVM with dual-displays
Scooby   2004-06-03 13:47
Hey Guys,

I just finished building my second rig. I am currently using dual display with my main rig so heres the Q.

Is it possible to use a KVM to switch from one cumputer to the other and still have my dual display running? Both rigs have graphic cards with dual-heads outs. Is there a KVM that can do dual display outs and do it with DVI out too.

Thank you very big.
Tantalus   2004-06-03 16:27
yes, dual display KVMs are available but they cost a bit more than single display KVMs.

below is one:

a poor man's workaround is if both your displays support a second output, you can also get by using a standard KVM and the 2nd display directly to the video on pc #2.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> KVM with dual-displays

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