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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> second display fuzzy radeon 7500 (2xCRT)
graham   2004-06-08 06:24
i have a radeon 7500 64Mb AGPx4 using multiple monitors both CRT.The card also has TV out witch is unused.i am running AMD2400XP 512mb and MSI K7N2 mobo,OS is XP Pro SP1 and it updates daily in the small hours.

One of the two displays is fuzzy. I have swapped the montors around physically and with software and the fault always manifestes itself on the second port of the card regardless of what software option i use or wich monitor i have connected. i have tried many drivers for both card and monitor with no joy.

i have a compaq V70 17" and a generic XIOD 17", both diplays are crystal when connected to the first port on the card.

is there a known problem with these cards in multiple monitors?

is it likley that my card just has a faulty second port?

any suggestioms would be most appreciated as i have ran out of ideas other that getting a new card


what ?? can actually do that ??
Mike   2005-02-07 02:28
I'm having the exact issue with a Radeon 7000 card. Any solutions?
Tantalus   2005-02-07 07:53
i have heard of secondary ramdac issues on the some of the radeon cards. nothing more beyond that, i'm afraid.
ECarlson   2005-02-07 11:56
Are these new cards? I've heard of fuzzy second outputs on older low-end 7xxx ATI cards.

- Eric,
Nik Grey   2005-03-04 02:15
Same for me, I have Two Dell 1905 tft's on a Radeon 7000 card - second output is fuzzy!
I have changed the monitors around etc and the problem is definately the second output.

Any suggestions folks?

Nik Grey.
ECarlson   2005-03-04 09:36
Yes, get a new (or at least different) card. That is most likely the only option.

- Eric,
Nik Grey   2005-03-10 06:36
I have solved my problem.
Purchased a Matrox G400 for £17 (Ebay) which is perfect.

Also I have realised that a monitor extension cable which is poorly shielded can drastically reduce performance....... It is well worth finding a good ext cable - Belkin do a good version.

Nik Grey.
Jay   2005-03-10 06:54
I am using an ATI 7500 AGP card and yes it does produce a fuzzy image if you are using a CRT in the DVI output.

If your monitor has DVI capabilities then use that and you won't have any problems.

I know that the ATI adapter for the DVI output doesn't work too well but not sure if buying another adapter will help.

- Jay
ECarlson   2005-03-11 13:46
The DVI-VGA adapter I'm using on my Matrox card is suposedly an ATI adapter (according to NewEgg), and it works great. I've also used the adapter on an NVidia card, and it also worked great. Both monitors have equally fine images - no visible way to tell the outputs apart.

Maybe ATI shipped bad adapters with some older cards, but I think it is the cards; though, you'd have to try a known-good adapter to be sure.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> second display fuzzy radeon 7500 (2xCRT)

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