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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can two CRT monitors side-by-side damage each other?
Matthew Doucette   2004-06-08 06:30
It was just brought to my attention the possibility that two CRT monitors side-by-side may damage each other. Is this possible?

Currently I have two 21" Monitors (Dell P1110 and Compaq P1100) side-by-side and they seem to be doing fine.

Also, my computer is right next to my Compaq monitor; can this pose any type of problem?

Tantalus   2004-06-08 13:33
no, running 2 crts side by side will not damage them. the worst that could happen is that stray EMI fields (being that they are so close together) could cause some distortion on the screen. i suppose there is a one in a billion chance, on a really ancient monitor with a defective yoke, that something worse could happen.

if you're running the 2 side by side and everything is hunky-dory, you have nothing to worry about.

same goes for the pc...provided you don't have the cover off.
ecarlson   2004-06-08 14:04
No. They won't hurt each other, as long as they're not blocking the airflow of each other, but with the shape of most CRT monitors, that's unlikely.

Though, they might interfere with each other. I've never experienced interference between CRT's but some people have experienced a slight rolling line or bar up or down the screen. I've heard that sometimes changing the refresh rate(s) can help reduce the interference. I've also heard that there are ways to shield the monitors from each other if you experience interference.

- Eric
Matthew Doucette   2004-06-08 23:39
Thanks for the replies.

The airflow is not a problem. It is actually very hard to get two 21" monitors close enough together when they are tilted upwards as I have them. Plus, I have the secondary monitor at an angle, which gives it more space for airflow in the back.

As for the refresh rates, I have both in 1280x960 @ 100Hz and there seems to be no problem. When I change video modes in one monitor, the other will flicker for a bit, but I *think* that's just my Radeon 9600 PRO being interrupted.

Another time my secondary, not my primary, monitor flickers is when I enter advanced display settings (for either the primary or secondary settings). I assume this is also just my graphics card hiccupping.

" have nothing to worry about.

same goes for the pc...provided you don't have the cover off."

Just out of curiosity, what damage could happen with the PC's cover off?
ecarlson   2004-06-09 12:27
No damage would occur with the cover off, but the potential for interference in either direction (monitor->PC or PC->monitor) is increased without the metal cover to shield the computer circuitry.

Of course, the cover also protects the parts from physical damage, and from kids and animals.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can two CRT monitors side-by-side damage each other?

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