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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> New challenge for multi-monitors
Bryan   2004-06-10 07:38
Hello all,
I have a new challenge that may intrigue some of you.

Here are my specs:
-3rd Party motherboard with on-board video output; AGP slot available
-One flat screen monitor 17 inch with 19-pin analog connector (this is my primary monitor) brand: Kogi
-Second flat screen monitor 15 inch with digital connector, will act as secondary monitor. brand: Gateway.

Now, I wanted to set up a multiple monitor system, so I bought an ATI card(can't remember the model right now, but I think it was a 9700)that had two inputs, one digital, one analog. Problem was, when I set it up, it kept trying to use the 15 inch as the primary (my assumption is Digital supercedes analog). So that was one problem. Second problem was I wanted to have different resolutions on each screen (reasoning behind this is that I do website design for fun and I wanted to be able to view pages that I work on in two different screen settings without have to switch back and forth.)

Things I thought of, but haven't done:
I didn't get a digital converter to make the Gateway an analog setting (so to speak).

I thought there might be a way I could still use the on-board video along with the ATI card and have a 3 monitor set up, but haven't figured out how to keep that driver activated.

Here's where I think I would go next (open for discussion of course): I was thinking I should just get a couple (or 3 maybe) graphics cards and run a card for each monitor.

Any suggestions on where I should go next?

ecarlson   2004-06-10 14:15
You can set either monitor to primary in Windows, so that shouldn't be an issue.

You should be able to set different refresh rates on both monitors (at least you can with NVidia based cards). It might depend on the drivers.

You can't use an AGP card with the onboard card: it's one or the other. But you can add PCI cards as necessary.

- Eric
Bryan   2004-06-10 23:25
You can set different refresh rates, but can you set different resolutions?

I.E.- I want my 17 in monitor to have 1024x768, but I want 15 in to have 800x600.

Also, thanks, Eric, for letting me know I can't do the on-board with AGP. I kind of figured that, but thought there may be a hack that someone knew about.

Looks like I am going to get an Nvidia card then...

Anyone want to buy a Radeon 9000 64M DDR TVO card? Card works fine, just doesn't fit my need now.

ecarlson   2004-06-11 10:33
At least with NVidia cards, you can set different everything, just like you had 2 video cards. The only issue really arises when you want to go with high resolutions and refresh rates: The card has to be able to drive 2 monitors at those really high settings, and that all depends on the card. Any recent dual-out card should be able to drive 2 monitors, with each set at up to 1024x768 @ 85.hz: Higher res or refresh than that, depends on the card. You'd be okay.

- Eric
William Julien   2004-06-11 13:36
I have a DILA at 1360x1024 @72Hz and a LCD at 1280x1024 @60Hz using a Radon 9200. So yes you can have deferent resolutions.

Bryan   2004-06-12 06:24
Thanks for the help. I am in the process of getting that Nvidia card right now. Next, I am toying with the idea of buying a PCI TV-in card for my third monitor (probably down the road).

I just love technology....

Thanks again!

Bryan   2004-06-18 12:27

I got my new Nvidia V9520 Video Suite with dual DVI output and have it installed! (good news)


For some reason, I am only able to see one screen. Or in other words, when I click identify, a big number 1 comes up on both screens.

Any advice? Does Ultramon fix this?

As always, any and all advice/help is GREATLY appreciated.

ECarlson   2004-06-19 02:32
Sounds like you are in mirror mode. Switch out of that.

- Eric,
Chris   2004-06-28 08:47
I never could get that video card to output two signals. Running XP. Had to return it :(
Bryan   2004-06-28 13:07
Eric, you were right. Mirror mode disabled....working decent.

I do notice that it is a little blurry on the main screen, which I am attributing to the fact that it is going through a 19pin connection and not DVI like the other. For now, I am okay with it.

Thanks for all of your help. I am forever grateful.

ECarlson   2004-06-29 12:20
Glad it worked. Yes, DVI is definately better when using an LCD screen. Using analog video with an LCD screen adds 2 extra analog processing steps to the display process: one to convert the computer's digital signal to analog, and a second to convert that analog signal back to digital for the LCD display; there will definately be something lost in the process. With DVI, it's digital to digital.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> New challenge for multi-monitors

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