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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Nvidia Quadro FX (1000 and up) Powerwall
Joe   2004-06-15 09:22
Anybody know anything about this cards Powerwall feature? Is powerwall some specific product or is it just a driver name?

I'm trying to find a way to get an alpha fade between two outputs from the card (two projectors) and it sounds like it may do it.

Basically I"m trying to run programs in full screen (stretch) mode across two monitors/projectors. Problem is that you can't align the projects exactly and you need some overlap. If the driver had a built in alpha fade on the edges it would be much much easier to overlap them. (wouldn't get too bright where they overlaped)

Havn't been able to get a response to my emails from Nvidia or the OEM's. So I'm hoping someone out there has one of these.


Joe   2004-07-12 05:10
In the hope that someone somewhere will need to do the same thing. :)
Max   2005-08-11 15:38
Have tried powerwall with FX4400 and doesn't work with two projectors bright spot etc
Max   2005-08-11 15:39
Have tried powerwall with FX4400 and doesn't work with two projectors bright spot etc
Ashe   2005-08-12 03:57
I can ditto Max's findings. I tried with a pair of Infocus DLP projectors and an FX3400 on a dual xeon workstation Could not effectively eliminate the bright spot. If you go to and search for quadro, you can read a similar failure of this technology there, and they used CRTs, which have better blacks than anything else (soft edge blending needs pretty good contrast to work).

They had a similar experience to yours, no feedback or support from Nvidia and oems. I think the general opinion on this is that it was more of an afterthought.
Javier Delgado   2005-08-24 08:09
I am using an fx1100.

The soft blend works in front projection, but there is no way it works with back proyection.

It,s tricky to use and it does not work in all level of ilumination. With brith section of the image you can se the edge, but with medium and low levels it looks good.

I think they can do a better job wit his option
Javier Delgado   2005-08-24 08:35

This is an example of what i get:

(sorry for the quality of the image...)

i am proyecting video made at 1600 x 600 resolution.
JoeT   2005-09-14 08:02
Well I've got this working with the 1100 Quadro as well with one small caveat.


In order to view video across multiple screens it's exremely slow. Seems the blending hates video overlays as well.

Looking for new options. The Matrox P650 and up cards have a really nice speed on multiple monitor video (keeps them accelerated) but only the custom models do the overlap feature. And even then they leave a bright spot because they don't blend the edges.

Also I've noticed on the P650's they start to display performance anomalies. (It would run a large video 2-3 times in a row ok but the next time it'd stutter or seem to "hang" on frames)
Mad Mr H   2006-11-15 09:59
I have run this with a fx4000 and two CRT Barco projectors.....

At the time I was running Barco 1208s/2 PJ's.

I am now trying it with 1209s projectors - that ONE down from a cine9

(You need to look these up if you dont know what they are.....)

The blend was "excellent" until we came to bright scenes, when the "skunk stripe" was visible.......

We ALL blamed the drives for lack of gamma control.......

HOWEVER - as far as I know NONE of us did a full colour balance of the machines.....

I think we failed to see the importance of this.

I now have a sencore colourimeter and that is the next stage.

ALSO might be worth knowing....THIS TIME I am using the cheaper 7950 GX2 card, you can fool it into thinking it is the quadro range and save you a fortune.

I am STILL working on the nvidia blending.......
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Nvidia Quadro FX (1000 and up) Powerwall

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