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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mobility Radeon 7500 & 2000 - I know it won't work, so what do I buy?
Dave   2004-06-28 06:27
Hey all,

I just had to downgrade my laptop to win 2k (corporate policy), and therefore my Mobility Radeon 7500 won't play nice with Ultramon anymore. I'm considering getting a cheap video card to plug into my docking station in order to get dual monitor support going.

Can anyone suggest a simple cheap graphics card for me or tell me where to look? All I really want is decent 2D color (3D capabilities not needed) **and 1152 x 864 resolution** (1280 x 960 is too big, and 1024 is too small...I feel like Goldilocks, sheesh). I unfortunately can't tell if the expansion slots are PCI or AGP, but I'd bet on PCI...

Dave   2004-06-29 22:46
bump...(only one)
Christian Studer   2004-06-30 02:38
I would get an Nvidia PCI card, has cards for less than US$ 100.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mobility Radeon 7500 & 2000 - I know it won't work, so what do I buy?

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